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No New Posts London

A place of bustle and noise, London welcomes all, magical and non. Though it is a primarily muggle home, witches and wizards alike live and try their best to blend in with their neighbors, avoiding the dirty looks of suspicion and accusations. Is it possible to find peace in a place where peace reigned for so long as neighbors had no clue? Or is it now impossible to even dream of living a life without plague?

Sub-board: Hatter's and Hare's Tea shop

1 13 Yes no maybe i don't know can you repeat the question
by Terrance Adams
Dec 14, 2022 8:25:02 GMT -5

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United Kingdom
While a large population of witches and wizards live within the UK area, most of the land is still muggle. The fun of it though, is that often witches and wizards can be found pointing at strange things, like coin-operated kiddie rides, watering pails, and the odd or end tossed outdoors. However, all are cautioned when they travel into the muggle world, to be aware of themselves and all around, we don't want to draw too much attention, now do we?
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